søndag 30. september 2012

Fortnum and Mason

Yesterday I went to a place in London I have never visited before; the department store Fortnum and Mason. It is an old and traditional department store in London, like Harrods and Liberty. It was established in 1707 by William Fortnum and Hugh Mason. They have a huge variety of products there; everything from soaps, to chocolates. I really loved their food section, or should I say sweets section. It was packed with all the beautiful boxes of sweets and chocolates one can imagine. 


Luxuary sweets

Fun fact: During the Crimean war, Queen Victoria sent shipments of tea from Fortnum and Mason to the hospitals where Florence Nightingale worked.

 Let them have cake!


Fortnum and Mason really is a luxury department store, and while being a student I don't think I can afford to buy anything there. Except from their scones, which is only 80p and super tasty! But as it is with a lot of things, 
one can still enjoy just having a look around. Here are some more photos.

Chocolate box tower!

Pretty soaps


Yes... Christmas has already started in London. Crazy!

Nice fireplace? Really warm...?

Have you seen my room yet? Nice, isn't it?

Shower caps. Any color, any decorations. 

More sweets

I går dro jeg til en plass i London jeg aldri har besøk før; varehuset Fortnum og Mason. Det er et gammelt og tradisjonelt varehus i London, slik som Harrods og Liberty. Det ble etablert i 1707 av William Fortnum og Hugh Mason. De har et stort utvalg av varer der; alt fra såper, til sjokolade. Jeg likte matavdelingen deres veldig godt, eller skal jeg kalle det godteriavdelingen. Avdelingen var full av søte sjokoladebokser og andre godterier i esker og glass. Morsom fakta: under Krimkrigen sendte dronning Victoria te fra Fortnum og Mason til alle sykehusene der Florence Nightingale jobbet. Fortnum og Mason er et ordentlig luksusvarehus og jeg tror ikke jeg har råd til å kjøpe noe der så lenge jeg er student. Bortsett fra scones'ene deres, de koster bare 80 pence og er super gode! Men, man kan alltids kikke seg litt rundt og være mer en nok fornøyd med det. 

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